Product designer license
Monthly cliparts bundles
Wordpress plugin
Wordpress theme
Unlimited updates
$0 activation fee
Free support
billed monthly
Product designer license
Monthly cliparts bundles
Wordpress plugin
Wordpress theme
Unlimited updates
$0 activation fee
Free support
€324 billed every 6 months
Product designer license
Monthly cliparts bundles
Wordpress plugin
Wordpress theme
Unlimited updates
$0 activation fee
Free support
€612 billed yearly
On payment completion, you will receive a ZIP file which contains the following items:
• a license key for the product designer;
• a Wordpress plugin which acts as a bridge between your shop and the product designer;
• customizable WooCommerce enabled themes to use with your shop;
• a bundle of print-ready cliparts so that you can start selling right away;
You can use the license on one domain only. However, if you need to transfer the license to another domain, send us the new domain and we’ll be more than happy to change it for you.
You can print the designs on t-shirts, posters, mugs, pillows, stickers, caps, bags, promotional materials, etc.
You can create your own designs. The content provided by us only shows the variety of designs and cliparts you can use in the product designer.
Yes, you can change your plan anytime. The new subscription will become active at the end of the current billing cycle.
Yes. It’s your shop and you should be able to have 100% control over it. The only prerequisite is having a hosting service and a domain name. If you are new to this, don’t worry. We can also automate the initial setup for you so you can have your shop up and running in no time.
In order to start installing and using our plugin, you will need WordPress installed on your website along with WooCommerce. Also the PHP version installed on your hosting / server must be minimum 5.6.
Yes, you can access the live demo here. You can also start a 30 days trial from your uDesign dashboard. Create your account now!
You will have free access to all the updates we push while your subscription is active.
The product designer has a customizable pricing system, that will allow you to set your own prices based on printing area.